Introduction of Etel Adnan :

Etel Adnan, born on February 24, 1925, in Beirut, Lebanon, and passing away on November 14, 2021, was a prolific and influential artist, poet, and writer. Her work, characterised by a vibrant blend of cultural influences and mediums, has left a significant mark on the world of contemporary art and literature.

Early Life and Education:

Etel Adnan

Adnan was born to a Greek mother and a Syrian father, giving her a multicultural background that would deeply influence her work. She was educated in French schools in Lebanon and later moved to Paris to study philosophy at the Sorbonne. Her academic journey continued in the United States, where she attended the University of California, Berkeley, and Harvard University. This diverse educational background laid the foundation for her rich and varied artistic career.

Literary Contributions:

Adnan’s literary work spans poetry, essays, and novels, often exploring themes of identity, war, and the natural world. Her most acclaimed novel, “Sitt Marie Rose“(1977), is a poignant exploration of the Lebanese Civil War. The novel is based on the true story of Marie Rose Boulos, a woman executed by militants, and it examines the complexities of violence, cultural conflict, and the human condition.

This work has been translated into several languages and remains a powerful testament to Adnan’s literary prowess and her deep connection to her homeland.Her poetry, often written in both French and English, is equally celebrated. Collections such as “The Arab Apocalypse” (1980) reflects her lyrical and often avant-garde style, addressing geopolitical struggles and personal introspection with equal intensity.

Artistic Endeavours :

Etel Adnan

In addition to her literary achievements, Adnan was an accomplished visual artist. She began painting in the 1960s, and her work is renowned for its bold use of colour and abstract forms. Adnan’s paintings often feature landscapes, particularly inspired by her surroundings in California and later in France.

Her works are characterised by their simplicity and vibrant palette, conveying profound emotional and spiritual depth.Her artistic process was deeply intuitive. Adnan frequently painted on small, intimate canvases, and her works often evoked a sense of immediacy and presence.

She used a palette knife rather than brushes, which gave her paintings a distinctive texture and dynamism. Her art gained international recognition, with exhibitions in major galleries and museums around the world.

Fusion of Art and Literature ability to seamlessly blend her literary and artistic talents set her apart. She often collaborated with other artists and writers, creating artist books that combined her poetry with her visual art. These works highlighted the interconnectedness of her creative expressions and underscored her belief in the unity of art and literature.

Legacy and Impacted:

Adnan’s contributions to art and literature are profound and enduring. Her work continues to inspire and challenge audiences, encouraging them to reflect on the complexities of identity, culture, and the human experience. She received numerous awards and honours throughout her career, including France’s highest cultural honour, the Ordre des Arts etch description Lettres.

medium career

Adnan’s legacy is one of a relentless pursuit of beauty and truth, expressed through multiple mediums and enriched by her diverse cultural heritage. Her life’s work stands as a testament to the power of art and literature to transcend boundaries and speak to the universal human condition.

In celebrating Etel Adnan, we recognize not only her artistic achievements but also her role as a bridge between cultures and disciplines, a visionary who saw the world in all its vibrant complexity and sought to capture it in words and colours.

Does she work everyday?

Etel Adnan

If you’re referring to Etel Adnan, as an artist and writer, she likely had periods of intense productivity as well as times of rest and reflection. The creative process can be highly variable, and many artists work according to their own rhythms and schedules. While specific details about her daily work routine are not widely documented, it’s common for dedicated artists and writers to engage with their work regularly, if not daily, to maintain their creative flow and discipline.

She speaks of things in order?

Etel Adnan often spoke about the concept of “putting in order” in her work, reflecting her belief in the power of art and literature to bring coherence and understanding to the complexities of life. This idea can be seen in her approach to both her writing and her visual art, where she sought to create meaning and structure amidst the chaos and fragmentation of the modern world.

In her paintings, the use of bold colours and simplified forms can be seen as an attempt to bring order to the visual experience, distilling landscapes and emotions into their essential elements. Similarly, in her writing, Adnan often explored themes of conflict, identity, and belonging, using her words to navigate and make sense of tumultuous experiences, particularly those related to the Lebanese Civil War and other geopolitical issues.

Adnan’s emphasis on “putting in order” reflects a deep-seated desire to find and create harmony, whether through the physical act of painting or the intellectual process of writing. It underscores her role as an artist and thinker dedicated to exploring and understanding the world through a lens of beauty and meaning.

How does one make a talisman?

Making a talisman involves several steps, often tailored to the individual’s spiritual or cultural beliefs.

Here’s a general guide to creating :

1. Define Your Intention :

  • Determine the purpose of your talisman. This could be for protection, love, health, success, or any other specific need or desire. Clear intention is crucial as it directs the energy and focus .


  • Gold, silver, or copper, depending on the desired energy.

Stones and Crystals:

  • Each has unique properties, like amethyst for clarity or rose quartz for love.


  • Sage for purification, lavender for calm, etc.


  • Religious or mystical symbols, sigils, or runes that hold specific meanings.

2. Create or Acquire a Base Object :

The base of the talisman can be anything portable and meaningful, such as a piece of jewellery, a small stone, a fabric pouch, or a carved object.

Imbue the Talisman with Energy:

This step is about transferring your intention and energy into the talisman. Methods include:


Hold the talisman while meditating on your intention.


  • Clearly visualise your goal or desire while focusing on the talisman.


  • Perform a simple ritual that might involve lighting candles, saying prayers, or chanting.

Astrological Timing:

  • Some believe in creating talismans during specific astrological events for added power.


Etel Adnan’s profound impact on art and literature is a testament to her unique ability to intertwine cultural experiences and personal insights. Her vibrant paintings and evocative writings continue to inspire and resonate, showcasing her remarkable talent for bringing order and meaning to the complexities of life. Adnan’s legacy endures, celebrating a life dedicated to creativity, exploration, and the profound expression of the human experience.

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